There are many reasons to read the Bible. God is so good to us. He doesn’t just say, “Read the Book . . . or else!” He also says, “Read the Book . . . because if you do, with a view to believing and obeying it, here are the benefits of doing so.”
That’s why I wrote Top 10 Reasons to Read the Bible Today: The Life-Changing Benefits of Daily Bible Reading. Each of these reasons can also result in a God-glorifying benefit in our lives. We get the benefits (like salvation from hell, stronger faith, greater joy, and freedom from the sins that so easily entangle us) and He gets the praise and credit for providing those benefits.
Certainly there are more than 10 reasons to read and study Scripture regularly. In the opening chapter of her classic book How to Study Your Bible, Kay Arthur writes:
“The Bible was written so that anyone who wants to know who God is and how to live in a way that pleases Him can read it and find out.
God wants to bring us into intimacy with Himself. He wants to be a Father to us. In order to have that relationship, however, God has to talk to us. He wants to explain to us who He is and how we can be brought into a close, wonderful relationship with Him. He also wants us to understand the blessings of a life of obedience to His Word and the consequences of disobeying Him. And He wants us to know the truth about life and what is going to happen in the future.
The Bible tells us everything we need to know about life. That, my friend, is why you need to study it for yourself.”
Wow! After reading that, hasn’t your motivation to spend time in the Word just gone up? I love what Kay Arthur says here. It’s brilliantly biblical. Those three paragraphs are packed with 10 more reasons and benefits of immersing ourselves in Scripture.
If we read, study and understand the Bible, and then believe and obey it, we will:
- Learn who God is
- Discover how to live in a way that pleases Him
- Be brought into a close, wonderful relationship of intimacy with God Himself
- Experience God as our Father
- Hear God talk to us
- Understand the blessings of obedience to His Word
- Learn the consequences (the “or else!”) of disobeying Him
- Learn the truth about life
- Learn what is going to happen in the future
- Learn everything we need to know about life
Looking for motivation to read the Word today? I urge you to spend time this week meditating on and praying through Kay Arthur’s 10 reasons.
Of these 10 reasons, which one resonates most in your heart? Leave a comment below and let me know. I love feedback.
Kay Arthur’s book is available on Amazon here. I do give this book my highest recommendation. 5 Stars. 2 Thumbs Up. To get a better idea of what the book is about, you can read the first 20 pages at no cost here.
My book, Top 10 Reasons to Read the Bible Today, is also available on Amazon. The Kindle version is free here.
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