A young man by the name of Jonathan Edwards thought long and hard about what God wanted him to do with his life, and he wrote down 70 resolutions, way back in the early 1700’s.
Have you ever read these resolutions? They are some of the most God-focused and Christ-honoring words I’ve ever read (outside of the Bible). I highly recommend that you take time to go through them. Pick out a few that you like and use them to stimulate your prayer life, with a view to living every moment of every day for the glory of God. That was the #1 goal of Edwards’ life. May it be ours, too.
To read all 70 resolutions in their original order . . .
For an updated version in modern English . . .
To listen to them being read . . .
Here’s an article that sorts the resolutions into categories, such as Overall Life Mission, Good Works, Time Management, Relationships, Suffering, Character, and Spiritual Life (Assurance, The Scriptures, Prayer, The Lord’s Day, Righteousness, Sin and Self-Examination, Communion with God).
Which resolution do you find most helpful? Let me know down below. I love feedback.
My favorite is #9:
“Resolved, to think much on all occasions of my own dying, and of the common circumstances which attend death.” Thinking much about death motivates me to think much about living each day as if it will be my last. It may be.
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Same here, sir. I see live as in the past, but positively. I want to be remembered for living a peaceful and meaningful life, and that can only happen when relying and leaning on the Creator.
Amen to that, John. Thanks for your comments.