Do you ever wonder what Jesus looked like?
I’m referring to his physical appearance.
How tall was he? What color was his hair? Did he have a beard? And so forth.
Can you think of any Bible verses that address these questions? There aren’t many.
Here’s one.
“He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.” (Isaiah 53:2)
What does this verse mean? I like this explanation:
“Jesus’ appearance was just like any other man’s – He was ordinary-looking. Isaiah was here prophesying that the coming suffering Servant would arise in lowly conditions and wear none of the usual emblems of royalty, making His true identity visible only to the discerning eye of faith.”
Here’s another one, because God wanted us to know what his “suffering Servant” looked like on Good Friday:
“His appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind” (Isaiah 52:12)
At the same time, the Bible does tell us much about what Jesus looked like . . . spiritually. It describes his character in great detail. If you want to know what he was like in that sense, we have hundreds of verses that present his personhood clearly and compellingly.
This is one of the main themes of Scripture: the incomparable spiritual beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If someone were to ask you, “What was Jesus like? Tell me about him,” what would you say?
Where would you begin? What words would you use? How would you describe the indescribable?
May I make a suggestion?
Start with the words of Jesus himself. How did he describe himself?
In the book of John, Jesus made seven incredible statements about himself, all beginning with the words “I AM.” These seven “I AM” statements are a self-portrait of Christ. He paints a picture of himself with such amazing clarity, you would do well to pursue a deep understanding of their meaning and significance.
I have always wanted to do a more in-depth study of the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus. I recently did just that, with valuable help from Heather Erdmann’s book A Week in the Word, an excellent resource on how to dive into the Word with the inductive Bible study method.
The result of my study is the new book (co-authored with Heather) . . .
A Self-Portrait of Christ:
A Seven Week Bible Study on The I AM Statements of Jesus
It is available in two formats:
Paperback (on Amazon) – CLICK HERE
eBook (a free digital download) – CLICK HERE
If you want to learn more about Christ, to know him better so you can worship and love him, this study is for you. This is an opportunity to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). It is also ideal for your small group Bible study or Sunday School class.
Please take note that the eBook version is free.
Enjoy! And may you be enthralled by the glory of Jesus as you sit at his feet and gaze at his matchless splendor!
It would also be a big help if you’d leave a review on Amazon. Or, should you get the free eBook, please send me your feedback via email at godwrotethebook @ (just a few sentences on how you benefited from reading it).
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