Have you given any thought to how you’ll become more like Jesus in 2024?
Christ-likeness or personal holiness or sanctification, however you like to say it, is what God wants to do in you and for you – today, tomorrow, and forever.
I love the way Paul describes the life-changing work of God in our lives:
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV
This verse is a source of much encouragement to me. When you stop and think about it, this is breathtaking: God is changing us to become more and more like Jesus. Whoa!
This transformation manifests itself in a variety of ways. It can happen suddenly, dramatically, and radically. And it can happen slowly, even imperceptibly, one tiny step at a time.
It affects us deeply, from the inner recesses of our hearts and minds to the visible behaviors and habits of everyday life.
But it happens! That’s the wonder of it. And this “it” is what God is doing when we “contemplate” (NIV) or “behold” (ESV) His glory.
God does the sanctifying while we do the contemplating and beholding. Ultimately, the transformation is His doing. Yet we do not sit by idly, twiddling our thumbs, doing nothing.
This brings me to the key question of this post: How do you contemplate and behold the glory of God?
Without contemplation of God’s character, there is no sanctification of our character. God changes us when we are looking intently at Him. And the best way I know to see Him clearly and accurately is to spend time in His Word.
If consistent and enjoyable Bible-time is already a habit for you, excellent! What I’ve written so far may therefore be a review of familiar territory. And for that, you should be thanking God. May 2024 be another year of quality time in the Word for you!
But when it comes to habitual Bible-time, if you’ve been struggling lately, I pray that God is convicting you even now of the need for a change – a change in your attitude and/or a change in behavior. I pray that with the New Year will come a new direction. Perhaps this means that you simply return to what you’ve done before but have gotten away from. Or it may mean that you need to do something you’ve never done before.
Regardless of your current situation, there are many resources available at GodWroteTheBook.com to help you either stay on track or get on track.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Do you lack motivation to read or study the Bible?
Please immerse yourself in the Top Ten Reasons to Read the Bible Today. Here you’ll find several compelling benefits of regular time in the Word. If you’ve read this book before you may just need to read it again, perhaps more slowly, taking time to answer the questions that come at the end of each chapter. - Are you new to Christianity and/or the Bible?
I recommend Jesus: Who He Is, What He Did, and Why It Matters. This book takes you through John’s gospel, chapters 1-3, focusing on foundational truths of the faith. - Are you looking for a deeper dive into the teachings of Scripture?
Check out Jesus: Savior, King, Living Water. This is an in-depth study of John chapter 4. - Do you need help simply reading and understanding the Bible?
Here’s a book that can help: The Forgotten Bible Reading Method: How to Read and Understand the Bible in 5 Simple Steps. This is an explanation of the most overlooked Bible-reading method of all, the one that most Christians have never even tried. - Do you like reading and studying the Psalms?
You should check out How to Pray Like David. Volume 1 covers Psalms 1-41. Volume 2 covers Psalms 42-72. - Do you wonder whether you are really a Christian?
If you have little or no desire to spend time with God in His Word, could it be that you lack genuine saving faith? Why Bad People Go to Heaven and Good People Go to Hell was written with you in mind.
All the resources above are available for free in PDF format here:
These resources are also available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats here:
NOTE: The books mentioned in #1 and #6 above are also free in Kindle format.
Happy New Year! And may God continue to sanctify all of us in 2024 “from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV).
- 7 Bible Verses about God’s Love - March 14, 2025
- Would A Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? - March 5, 2025
- The Whole Bible in Four Words - February 26, 2025