Do you ever have doubts about your salvation?
Do you ever wonder whether you are really a Christian?
I recently came across a helpful little booklet that addresses eight reasons that believers may question the genuineness of their conversion:
Am I Really A Christian? Eight Doubts Answered
by Thomas Boston
The author begins by acknowledging that “True Christians sometimes have serious doubts.” Then he explains eight specific doubts and how to overcome them.
“Not knowing exact time of conversion.
I doubt I am really born again because I do not know the exact time of my conversion. Neither can I trace the steps that led me to becoming a Christian.
Answer: Though it is desirable to be able to describe the beginning of the Lord’s work in your life and the gradual growth you’ve enjoyed, this is not necessary to prove that you truly are a Christian. We must remember that the work of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. In the Gospel of John, we read about Jesus healing a blind man. This man simply said, “One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see” (John 9:25). When we see a flame, we know there is a fire, even if we don’t know how it began.
Even so, we can know we are Christians, even if we do not know how or when it all happened. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you repented from your sins? Has there been a change in your soul? Does your mind have light? Do you want to obey God in everything for the sake of Jesus, Who died on the cross? Do you love other believers? Do you flee from the evils in this wicked world? If you answer “yes” to such questions, then you do not need to trouble yourself with this doubt.”
“Struggle with sin.
If I am really a Christian, a new creature in Christ, why do I continue to struggle with sin?
Answer: We certainly do not want to lay down pillows so that hypocrites can rest easy with indulging their sin and making God’s grace a slave to their lusts. On the other hand, we need to remember that “all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Sin may prevail at times even over the children of God. Are you groaning under the weight of sin and the corruption of your nature? Are you disgusted with yourself for the sins of your heart and life? Are you striving to put your lusts to death, fleeing daily to the blood of Christ for pardon and looking to His Spirit for sanctification? Though you might say with Psalm 65:3, “Iniquities prevail against me,” remember that this verse ends, “As for transgressions, thou shalt purge them away.”
The new creature in Christ is like a man who does not live in a house alone: an ill-tempered neighbor lives in the same house with him. His name is “remaining corruption.” These two constantly struggle with each other for control: “The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh” (Gal 5:17). Sometimes old “corruption” prevails and makes the child of God a captive to the law of sin (Rom 7:23). Do not let his occasional victories make you conclude that you are not a child of God! Instead, let it humble you. Let it make you more watchful. Let it make you thirst even more intensely for Jesus Christ, His blood and Spirit. The principle of grace within you, the new birth in Christ, will seek the destruction of the very sin that so often defeats you.”
I find these words most helpful. How about you? If you find this resource beneficial, let me know by leaving a comment below.
To get a free downloadable copy of this 16-page booklet, visit:
NOTE: This booklet contains selected sections from Human Nature in Its Fourfold State, by Thomas Boston, modernized for easier understanding by today’s reader. Jeffrey T. Riddle, pastor of Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Charlottesville, Virginia, provided the abstraction and modernization. Copyright 2015 Chapel Library.
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