How to Spend Your Busy Days with Jesus

Do you ever have days when life gets so busy, you forget to give Jesus your undivided attention?

For many reasons, we all have those “crazy busy” days. We are consumed with what we think is most urgent and neglect what is most important – spending time with our Creator in His Word and prayer.

Here’s a way to overcome the dilemma of being “too busy” to listen to the Ultimate Communicator – a 10-day Bible Study entitled Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ (Bible Studies for Busy Days).

Written by Heather Erdmann, each lesson is a short Bible study for time-crunched days. From the author’s introduction, each lesson will show you that . . .

“No matter what this world brings our way, Jesus is enough. In just 5-7 minutes a day for ten days, we will discover who Jesus is and why He is sufficient for all of our needs, both in this life and the next.

“Each day’s Scripture reading and the accompanying questions should only take you about 5-7 minutes to complete. . . They allow you to have the nourishment of God’s Word and your “daily bread” no matter how time-crunched you may be.

“They are not meant to replace your regular deeper study of the Bible but instead are small “snacks” to use as a supplement on days when you might otherwise go without opening His Word at all. Plus, you can access them on your phone or mobile device anywhere and anytime you find a few spare moments.

“PLEASE NOTE that my intention for writing Bible Studies for Busy Days is not to encourage you to spend LESS time in God’s Word. We cannot live on snacks alone or we would grow weak and malnourished. My hope is that these would encourage you to spend MORE time with Him on those days when you may have had very little or none.”

Here’s the link:

Wayne Davies
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