Don’t you love when someone tells you his/her reason for doing something? For example, before you read a book, do you ever wonder why the author wrote it? What was his motive? Some authors tell you their purpose, some don’t.
Wes Ireton has written a book entitled “Jesus Is Coming Back Tomorrow”. And I’m pleased to tell you that he makes his reason for writing very clear: “If I am writing this book for one reason, that reason would be the same as Peter had in writing to the New Testament Christians – a reminder.”
He quotes 2 Peter 3:1 — “Dear friends, this is now the second letter I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder.” Peter then spends of the rest of chapter 3 telling his readers about the return of Jesus Christ.
This book was written to be a reminder that Jesus Christ is coming back, for Jesus promised his disciples that one day “men will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory” (Mark 13:26).
The author states: “My prayer is that this book would serve as a reminder to all of us who have forgotten, or grown numb to the reality that Jesus will return. This book is for all who have become sidetracked in life, and for those who have become busy doing frivolous and temporal things. Jesus is coming back, and I want to remind you, as well as myself, of what we are supposed to be living for, as his followers.”
I like this book for several reasons. The first is that Wes communicates his message in a most compelling and straightforward manner. You know exactly what he is trying to say; he comes through loud and clear. He tells you why he wrote this book, and he tells you in no uncertain terms. And that’s the way Wes writes throughout the entire book. Nothing wishy-washy here.
If you are unable to understand what this author is saying, you’re either asleep at the wheel or brain dead.
The second reason I like this book is because the author sincerely believes what he is writing. Wes weaves his life story throughout the book, and so you get to know him – his many life experiences, the mistakes he’s made and the lessons he’s learned. He’s transparent and is the first to admit that he needs to heed the message of his own book just as much as you and I do.
Wes was raised in a Christian environment but wandered away from Christ in high school and college, as many young people do. But then he realized the folly of his ways and has committed his life to Jesus in a powerful way, and that commitment to Christ also comes through in this book loud and clear.
Wes doesn’t write as a theologian, although this book is packed with good evangelical theology. Wes doesn’t write as a Bible scholar, although this book explains a plethora of biblical truths in an easily understandable manner.
Wes writes first and foremost as a dedicated, sold-out Christ follower, and he’s on a mission to persuade as many people as possible to join him on the difficult yet worthwhile path of discipleship.
This leads me to the third reason I like this book – it’s written with passion. Yes, every page is filled with solid Bible teaching, but the author communicates the truth of Scripture with an intensity that I found captivating.
On every page of this book, the author puts into practice Ephesians 4:15, “speaking the truth in love”. He tells it like it is, and he tells it that way because he knows that is what is best for us.
The fourth reason I like this book is because it communicates a message that is desperately needed in the church today. It seems to me that easy-believism has infiltrated evangelical churches across the land. I believe that many Bible-believing Christians have watered down the gospel and have focused too much on the benefits of Christianity and not enough on the cost of discipleship.
This book speaks to this issue of cheap grace directly. Like John the Baptist, Wes is a prophet crying in the wilderness, exhorting us to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near”. John the Baptist was preparing people for the first coming of Christ. If you read this book and take its message to heart, God will speak to you though Wes Ireton and prepare you for the second coming of Christ.
The subtitle of this book is “Living Life Eternally Minded”. And that’s a great sub-title. In fact, I would say that this subtitle is just as accurate in describing the book’s content as the main title.
Do you want to live this life caught up in the wonder of God’s holiness and majesty, delighted to be part of His people so you can declare the praises of Him who rescued you from the kingdom of darkness and brought you into the kingdom of His Son? Then this book is for you.
Are you eager to deny yourself in order to find ultimate satisfaction in Jesus alone? Then this book is for you.
And if you want to spend the rest of your life devoted to the humbling task of being a disciple that makes disciples, then this book is for you.
To get your copy, head over to
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Is Jesus really coming back to earth tomorrow I hope so cause I’m ready for that day and I know he is real so from now until the lord returns I will stop lying and stay as positive as posible so I can tell him the truth right now or when he comes down