Do you like to read the Psalms? I do.
Over the past several years, I’ve been cultivating the habit of starting the day by reading, meditating on, and praying through a psalm. As a result, God has deepened my understanding of who He is, increased my faith, and given me countless reasons to pursue a life of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord of all.
Do you have a favorite Psalm? I do. Well, several, actually.
I just read Psalm 40 a few days ago, and that has to be in my list of Top 10 favorites, along with Psalm 1, 16, 23, 32, 42, 51, 100, 103 and 110.
My wife and I have been leading a small group Bible study for the past few years. We usually meet in our home, but over the past year have been “meeting” via Zoom and conference calls. Lately we’ve been studying the Psalms, taking a closer look at one Psalm each week. This week’s study is on Psalm 40, and I thought I would share with you how we do a Bible study in our small group.
Just click here and you’ll find a Bible study on Psalm 40 that you are welcome to use. Enjoy!
- 7 Bible Verses about God’s Love - March 14, 2025
- Would A Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? - March 5, 2025
- The Whole Bible in Four Words - February 26, 2025