As another year comes to a close, I like to reflect on the past 12 months and ask myself: “How could I have better spent my time?” And I usually come up with the same answer: “I wish I had spent less time watching TV and more time reading.”
I’m thankful that God has been patiently weaning me off the screen and giving me an increasingly greater desire to read His Word and good Christian books. I’ve gotten into the habit of reading the Bible and praying to start the day. I also like to read the Bible during my lunch break. Or I take a walk and listen to a sermon.
In the evening and before going to sleep, I find myself reading books other than the Bible, and I like to focus on books about the Bible and the God of the Bible. There are plenty to choose from! And for that I thank God. He has raised up many excellent evangelical Bible teachers who have written a plethora of God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Scripture-expounding books.
I read many wonderful books in 2015, but these five made the strongest impression on me. If you’re looking for a worthwhile Christian book to read in 2016, you can’t go wrong with any of these.
#1. Knowing God
By J.I. Packer
I rejoiced with trembling as I blogged my way through this book, and even wrote my first Scripture poem, largely due to Packer’s brilliant Bible teaching. You’ll find my posts here:
#2. The Pursuit of God
By A.W. Tozer
Have you not yet read one of Tozer’s books? What are you waiting for? This would be a good place to start, and the Kindle version is free.
#3. Yawning at Tigers:
You Can’t Tame God, So Stop Trying
By Drew Dyck
My review of this book is here:
Mr. Dyck writes with wisdom way beyond his years.
#4. The Truth War:
Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception
By John MacArthur
Ever wonder why evangelicalism has become so wishy-washy? This book explains why.
#5. The Holiness of God
By R.C. Sproul
“It may be a bit early to call R.C. Sproul’s The Holiness of God one of the classic theological works of our time. But if it does not have that status yet, it is well on the way to achieving it.” High praise indeed from James Montgomery Boice. I would add that it’s not too early. This is a classic.
- 7 Bible Verses about God’s Love - March 14, 2025
- Would A Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? - March 5, 2025
- The Whole Bible in Four Words - February 26, 2025