This is something I’ve been doing regularly over the past 10 years, and God has taught me so much about Himself and His purposes through this simple practice.
In my research for the new book, I’ve come across a couple blog posts I recommend you read. They present two perspectives on the question, “Should a Christian read the entire Bible?”
Blog Post #1:
Why You Don’t Need to Read the Whole Bible
By Amy Julia Becker
Blog Post #2:
5 Good Reasons to Read the Entire Bible Every Year
By Jeff Robinson
The first post is quite intriguing to me. I encourage you to take time to read not only the post, but the many responses, especially the one by Eliot Lugo-Hernandez, who says “I am sorry but the author is dead wrong.”
If you’re been reading my blog posts for a while, you probably know how I feel about this. I’ve benefited so much by reading the entire Bible. I’m currently following a 2-year Bible reading plan (Old Testament in 2016 and New Testament in 2017). I just finished Ezekiel yesterday. I love engaging God in the Scriptures this way!
But you need to decide for yourself both how, and how much, to read the Word of God.
So do yourself a favor and check out these posts.
- 7 Bible Verses about God’s Love - March 14, 2025
- Would A Loving God Send Anyone to Hell? - March 5, 2025
- The Whole Bible in Four Words - February 26, 2025
First of all, I would like to thank God for your life and for the work He has chosen you to do for the expansion of His Kingdom. Your posts have greatly encouraged me to do the conscious effort of drawing near to Jesus, my Lord an Savior. This one actually comes in handy as I am currently looking for how to effectively do my personal Bible Study and how to effectively read the entire Bible. Thank you and may you keep up the good works, God bless you. Amen