Jesus had a knack for explaining the most important truths in a way that was easy to understand.
For example, take Matthew 7:13-14, from the well-known Sermon on the Mount.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
To say that these two verses are “simple yet profound” is an understatement.
There are only two gates. One leads to destruction. The other leads to life.
There are only two roads. Likewise, one leads to hell. The other leads to heaven.
Right now, every person on this planet is on one of these two roads.
There are only two. Not three. Or thirty-three. Only two.
Most people are on the road that leads to destruction. Only a few are on the road that leads to life.
Which gate have you entered? Which road are you on?
This is a simple truth. Uncomplicated, unambiguous, as clear as day. It is so “black and white.”
In today’s world, it is controversial and politically incorrect to talk like this. Yet Jesus did it all the time. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Really? Many hear those words and say, “What could be more exclusive and intolerant and unloving than that?”
Yes, Jesus was “black and white” about our eternal destinies — like the cover of my new book, Why Bad People Go To Heaven and Good People Go To Hell.
This short 15-page book is now available for free in these eBook formats:
Amazon (Kindle)
Barnes & Noble (Nook)
PDF (Adobe Reader)
Here’s what readers are saying:
“Your book was very straightforward and to the point. Very soul searching. It truly made me rethink the way that I pray. To me the book makes you soul search yourself with truth.”
— Geri Evans
“Honestly I thought the book was amazing! I really know the Holy Spirit was guiding you with this.”
— Jen Pontoriero
“The book is a very good explanation of the passage in question and the summary at the end is excellent.”
— Eamonn Ryan
“You did your research well and bring to light certain facts that I did not know. It is worth teaching in our congregation. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, time and talents.”
— Hm Latchmenarine
Jesus had a lot to say about heaven, hell, and what happens when we die. Luke 18:9-14 contains Christ’s parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. In just a few sentences, He sheds divine light on who goes to paradise and who ends up in the lake of fire.
Be sure to get your copy today and find out why only bad people go to heaven and good people don’t.
And feel free to share this post with anyone you know who would benefit from learning what Jesus said about heaven and hell and who goes where when they die.
Should you read this eBook, would you please leave a review on Amazon or Barnes & Noble? And feel free to send an email to GodWroteTheBook @ with your thoughts or questions. I’d love to hear from you.
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