What a treasure chest of truth we have at our fingertips. The Bible is an inexhaustible goldmine of divine instruction, “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16).
Why do we read and study the Bible? Why do we strive to understand and believe the Word of God? The passage above tells us – so that God can teach us how to pursue holiness. This assumes our need for God’s loving rebuke, gracious redirection, and merciful discipline, all for the goal of spiritual growth and maturity. Only then can we do the good works “which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
To that end, I’m writing to tell you about a free 11-week Bible study on the book of James that can help you dive deep into the Word in order to be holy, for the will of God is nothing less than your sanctification (see 1 Thessalonians 4:3).
It’s entitled:
James: Living a Life of Genuine Faith
by Jen Wilkin
Here’s where you’ll find it:
This Bible study contains the following resources, suitable for both individuals and small groups:
91-page PDF, written by Jen Wilkin. It contains study questions for each of the 11 lessons. Also contains an Appendix with the ESV translation of James.
If you take the time to answer these study questions, you will benefit greatly. I highly recommend that you write out your answers. Print out the PDF and write your answers on each page, or use your word processor or other device to record your thoughts.
My wife and I did this Bible study in the summer of 2020. Oh, what a meaningful time it was for both of us! We did the homework each week on our own, then got together and shared our answers. It was a rich time in the Word that I will never forget. It brought us closer to the Lord and each other.
You can also listen to Jen Wilkin’s teaching sessions on each of the 11 lessons.
The audio files (approx. 50 minutes each) can be accessed from the following websites:
NOTE: Jen Wilkin is a prolific author, speaker, and Bible teacher. The target audience of her ministry is primarily women, but I find all her materials to be edifying. My wife and I read her book, Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds, which I have recommended before and I am recommending it again, whether you are female or male.
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