What Did Jesus Say about Homosexuality?

Have you ever heard someone say, “Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.”

Is that true?

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: In the New Testament, Jesus spoke about homosexuality and clearly denounced it as sin in at least three passages:

Mark 7:21-23, Revelation 2:14, and Revelation 2:20.

Jesus condemns the sexual sins of both homosexuals and heterosexuals with the phrase “sexual immorality” (ESV), a reference to any sexual behavior outside of marriage between a man and a woman.

An even longer answer: I highly recommend this 10-minute explanation of what Jesus said about homosexual behavior, by Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason.


Alan provides a concise yet thorough teaching on the three passages mentioned above and why we know that homosexuality is sin.

Check it out. The next time you have a discussion with someone on this topic, you’ll know what the Bible says.

Have a grace-filled day, and thank you for reading this post.

Wayne Davies
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