Here’s one of my favorite verses about the goodness of God:
“How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.”
Psalm 31:19
David says that God’s goodness is “great” (NIV 1978) or “abundant” (ESV). God’s goodness is of such magnitude that he stores it up for us. I like the King James rendering: God’s goodness has been “laid up” for us. Or, as The Message paraphrases it, “What a stack of blessings you have piled up for those who worship you.”
Think about this today and let it take your breath away! God has so much goodness to shower upon you, he chooses to stockpile it in his divine warehouse. Every day he takes some of that goodness and delivers it to you as only he can.
A few years ago I made a list of some of God’s good gifts. First, in the material realm:
— food, clothing, shelter
— people to love and be loved by
— parents and children
— husbands and wives
— brothers and sisters
— music and art and poetry and prose
So many gifts, so much goodness!
And then when we move to the spiritual realm, the goodness of God becomes even more amazing:
— the Holy Scriptures
— the Holy Spirit
— the Holy One of Israel – the Christ
— the provision of forgiveness through the death and resurrection of King Jesus
— the granting of godly sorrow, genuine repentance, and saving faith
— entrance into his kingdom both in this life and the next
— the awesome majesty and sweet intimacy of his presence
All these spiritual blessings, so we can be reconciled to the One we betrayed with a kiss!
All these manifestations of the goodness of God come to us daily. Oh, may we never take them for granted! May we rise up with grateful hearts to give thanks to the King of glory, for surely He pursues us with goodness all the days of our lives.
Take time today to meditate on the two lists above and reflect on how God has been good to you over the years. What else can you add to these lists? How do you respond to God’s goodness? Do you ever get overwhelmed by it? Why not express your gratitude to him by writing out a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for his goodness.
And feel free to share your thoughts below on God’s goodness. I’d love to rejoice with you.
NOTE: The above comments are an excerpt from my book, How to Pray Like David (Volume 1): A Bible Study on Psalms 1-41. Click here to get your free copy:
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