What does it take to get to heaven?
A biblical answer to this question would include:
–the grace, mercy, love and justice of God
–the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ
–the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit
–God’s forgiveness of our sins
–justification: God declaring the sinner to be righteous in His sight
–confession of sin
–saving faith in Jesus Christ
(This list is certainly not comprehensive. Even as I write this, I’m thinking of other items that could be included, such as election, redemption, adoption, reconciliation, and propitiation. Salvation is a glorious and multi-faceted work of God from start to finish.)
It is the last item above – repentance – that is the focus of this article. When explaining the gospel, it is often overlooked. I don’t think I really understood the essential nature of repentance until about 10 years ago when I read John MacArthur’s book, The Gospel According to Jesus.
I was amazed to learn how often Jesus and the apostles preached and taught the necessity of repentance for both the salvation that occurs at the moment of initial faith as well as the ongoing sanctification that a true believer experiences the rest of his/her life.
Here are four important truths about repentance:
1. Along with saving faith, repentance is required for salvation. Jesus made this crystal clear in Luke 13:3 – “But unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” This statement was so important that our Lord repeated it just two verses later in Luke 13:5.
2. Like saving faith, repentance is a gift from God. This is why Peter and the apostles told the Jewish religious leaders that “The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.” (Acts 5:30-31). In 2 Timothy 2:25, Paul also taught that repentance is a gift – “God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth.”
3. And like saving faith, the evidence of genuine repentance is a life of righteous behavior and good works. Paul told Agrippa that his ministry consisted of telling both Jews and Gentiles that “they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance” (Acts 26:20).
4. Repentance is a critical part of the gospel message. One of the last things Jesus said to the apostles before His ascension to heaven was this: “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead,and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:46-48)
5. What is repentance? It is a radical change of attitude toward sin, resulting in remorse over your sin, hatred of your sin and a turning away from your sin to God and His ways.
But a one sentence answer to this question doesn’t do it justice. Much more needs to be said on the topic. That is why I am urging you today to take the time to read a short book entitled Repentance: What It Means to Repent and Why We Must Do So, by J.C. Ryle. (That’s his picture above.) See below to get a free copy.
This book contains the best explanation of repentance I have ever read. J.C. Ryle is known for his clear and concise Bible teaching. I starting reading it a few days ago and could not put it down until I finished it. It is that good. You’ll learn so much in just 64 pages, I recommend that you read it as soon as possible.
You won’t get to heaven without repentance, and J.C. Ryle will tell you precisely what the Bible says about repentance and what you can do to make sure you have it.
You can get a free copy of Ryle’s book in Kindle, PDF and audio formats here:
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