34 Bible Reading Questions Answered

Do you have questions about how to read the Bible? See below for 34 of them.

You’ll find answers to all these questions in the new book, Ask Pastor John: 750 Bible Answers to Life’s Most Important Questions. (“Pastor John” is John Piper, who spent 33 years as a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.)

Chapter 1 is all about reading the Bible, and you can download a free copy of Chapter 1 here:

Here are the 34 Bible reading questions:

  1. Why do we read the Bible?
  2. Why read the Bible daily?
  3. How do I get the most from my Bible reading?
  4. What should we expect on our first read through the Bible?
  5. How do we stay passionate about Bible reading for a full year?
  6. Where should I help a new believer begin his journey into the Bible?
  7. What are the essential components of daily Bible reading?
  8. How many Bible versions should I read?
  9. Ink or pixels?
  10. How do I find the meaning of a Bible text?
  11. Should we read the Bible for breadth or depth?
  12. How do we accomplish deep reading with pens and paper and marked-up texts, but also simply read the Bible devotionally?
  13. How do we piece together chapters of Scripture?
  14. How do I read the Bible topically?
  15. What happens when you pray over Scripture?
  16. How do I pray before reading the Bible?
  17. How do I prepare my soul to encounter Christ through Bible reading?
  18. Isn’t the Bible old and irrelevant?
  19. How do I battle doubt and cynicism in Bible reading?
  20. Why is the Bible so violent?
  21. Is Bible reading only profitable if we come away with application?
  22. How do we avoid intellectualism with the Bible?
  23. Do I love Bible insights more than I love God?
  24. How do I read the Bible in dark seasons?
  25. I’m too busy and exhausted—when should I read the Bible?
  26. Should we use audio Bibles for daily devotions?
  27. I have one hour to read. How much Bible? How much other books?
  28. If I listen carefully to sermons, why do I need to read my Bible?
  29. If I read my Bible, why do I need preachers?
  30. When does my Bible neglect become sin?
  31. What is the final goal of Bible reading?
  32. Bible memory: essential or optional?
  33. What are your suggestions for Bible memorization?
  34. What are essential Bible texts for life’s hardest battles?


Wayne Davies

About Wayne Davies

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